If this is the FIRST time renewing your credential and you have a question on how many contact hours you need to renew, please do the following:  

  • Refer to the letter the MCB sent you when you received your initial credential. 

First time renewal hours are individualized based on the time of year in which you initially received your credential and other credentials held and therefore will vary between credentialed professionals. 

All renewals MUST submit a copy of their Ethics Training; however only send in all training certificates if your name was part of the April 2025 Renewal Audit.  You can check the MCB website to see if your name was randomly selected for the audit. 


  1. CADC – 40 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  2. CRADC – 40 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  3. CRAADC – 40 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  4. CCJP –40 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  5. RADC – 40 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  6. MRSS –20 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  7. RADC – 40 total hours; 6 ethic hours
  8. CPS –20 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  9. CRPR –20 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  10. CRPR-L – 20 total hours; 6 hours ethics
  11. CHW-C – 20 total hours; 6 hours ethics
  12. CCDP – 40 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  13. CCDP-D 40 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  14. SQP, SQP-R, SQI, SQI-R – 40 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  15. CGDC –14 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  16. CRPS – 40 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  17. MARS –6 total medication hours
  18. BIP – 36 total hours; 6 ethics hours
  19. MAADC II—20 hours; 3 ethics hours
  20. MPS—5 hours; 3 ethics hours
  21. FSP—20 hours; 6 hours of ethics
  22. YPS—20 hours; 6 hours of ethics
  23. PPF—20 hours; 6 hours of ethics
  24. HRS—20 hours; 6 hours of ethics; 8 hours of harm reduction hours
  25. MAPS—40 hours; 6 hours of ethics

RENEWING:  If you have renewed before, renewal hours must be completed after April 30, 2023, unless you are renewing an M-II or MPS, in which case the hours must be completed after April 30, 2024.

If this is your first time renewing, please refer to your initial certification letter from the MCB to determine the date after which your continuing education hours must have been completed.


If you hold the Medication Awareness Recovery Specialist, (MARS) certificate and need to renew it by April 30, 2025.  Your renewal hours from MARS must come from pharmacology and/or medication awareness recovery education obtained after you obtained your MARS certificate or after April 30, 2023 if you have renewed it before.  The 6 contact hours required to renew your MARS certificate may also be used as part of the education requirement to renew your other MCB credentials. 

Outside Education Hours:
Outside education is any continuing education related to one or more of the performance domains such as workshops or seminars presented in a formal classroom setting, applicable college coursework, MCB self-study course, or MCB pre-approved home study or online courses.

Agency In-Service Hours:
An in-service training is any training provided only for the staff in your agency/company. If you are required to provide copies of outside training certificates this renewal period, the in-service form MUST be signed by your supervisor OR you must attach copies of the sign-in sheets for each in-service training listed.

Renewal materials postmarked from April 1 – April 30, 2025 will be charged a processing fee. Please note:
Renewals submitted during this period may not be processed by the expiration date of April 30, 2025. We strongly encourage all credential holders to renew early to avoid processing delays or the need for reinstatement. Thank you for your attention to these important updates.

  • CADC, CRADC, CRAADC, CCJP, RADC, CCDP, CCDP-D Processing Fee is an additional $82.50
  • MAADC II Processing Fee is an additional $82.50
  • CRPS, MAPS Processing Fee is an additional $82.50
  • CRPR or CRPR-L Processing Fee is an additional $44.00
  • MRSS, CPS, FSP, YPS, HRS, PPF Processing Fee is an additional $44.00
  • CHW-C Processing Fee is an additional $44.00
  • BIP Processing Fee is an additional $44.00
  • SQP, SQP-R, SQI, SQI-R and SR Processing Fee is an additional $22.00
  • CGDC Processing Fee is an additional $22.00
  • MARS Processing Fee is an additional $22.00
  • MPS Processing Fee is an additional $22.00

Renewal materials postmarked after May 1, 2025 will not be accepted and your credential will be considered expired.  In cases of disputes on when the renewal materials were mailed, the MCB will accept only U.S. Postal Service marks as outlined in the MCB Policies and Procedures or email date stamps if you submitted online. 
(If you want to reactive your credentials, you will have to complete the reinstatement process. Reinstatement packets can be found on the MCB website at
To reinstate your certification, you must:

  1. Submit all required certificates;
  2. Pay the full reinstatement fee;
  3. Submit a reinstatement packet—not a renewal packet.
  • Please Do Not Staple Check to Renewal Forms. Make checks payable to MCB
  • The MCB accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover Card.
  • Do Not Fax or Email Completed Renewal Forms or Reinstatement Packetsto the MCB—THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!

UNABLE TO RENEW AT THIS TIME – MCB STAFF ASSISTANCE – If you have had a serious illness, or an extended period of unemployment, or other serious event recently in your life and feel you cannot renew your credential at this time, immediately call the MCB office (573) 616-2300.  The MCB staff will make an effort to work with you to adjust the timeline in order to avoid reinstatement process/fees.


  1. Only Professionals who do NOT use their credential for employment purposes may request at the time of their renewal to place their credential on inactive status.
  2. At the time of their renewal when they request inactive status, the professional will only pay half of the current renewal fee, complete the demographic information on the renewal form and sign the Code of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct and authorization and release.
  3. At each renewal date to follow that the professional wishes to remain on inactive status – they pay half of the current renewal fee and submit half the education hours required for that renewal period; complete the renewal forms and sign the Code of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct and Authorization and Release.
  4. To return to active status at the professional’s renewal date, he/she will pay the full renewal fee and submit the total number of education hours as required; complete the renewal forms and sign the Code of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct and Authorization and Release.
  5. Should a professional wish to return to active status at any point before their next renewal date they will pay the full renewal fee and submit the total number of continuing education hours required for their April 30, 2025 renewal. Their renewal date will remain the same AND THEY MUST SUBMIT ALL CERTIFICATES—NOT JUST ETHICS HOURS.


  1. The Board may grant the classification, Retired Emeritus Status (RES) to credentialed professionals who are fifty-five (55) years old, provided a minimum of ten (10) years of meritorious service and are retired from employment.
  2. Credentialed professionals who desire the emeritus status must send a letter of request to the Board office indicating this request and the effective date of retirement. The Board staff will review all requests for the emeritus status and if the applicant meets the requirements, the staff will approve the request and send a notice to the applicant.  If an applicant does not meet the criteria, they will be notified in writing by Board staff. 
  3. No renewal fees will be paid for the retired emeritus status.
  4. The retired emeritus status individual may identify himself or herself as a Professional Emeritus, and shall continue to receive Board communication.
  5. The retired emeritus status individual will be ineligible for IC&RC reciprocity and agrees to remain retired with no intention of returning to employment.
  6. With the Retired Emeritus Status designation, your MCB credential will expire.
  7. If a retired emeritus status individual desires to reinstate their MCB credential, the individual must write a letter of request to the board. They will need 15 hours of continuing education completed in the past six months and they will be charged $55.00 to reinstate their credential.

MCB Credential Reinstatement Policy
If you do not renew during this renewal period and your credential expires, you may request that your credential(s) be reinstated and submit the renewal forms with education hours, pay the renewal fee(s) (not late fees) and also pay an additional reinstatement fee before April 30, 2030Your next renewal date will not change.  Education hours for your renewal must be obtained after your reinstatement date.

Contact MCB Staff at (573) 616-2300, or email: if you have additional questions.